weather Italy Castellina
  • Weather Thursday - -

Weather for Thursday 27 february

expert la chaîne météo Expert’s summary

Thursday in Castellina, the unstable weather will die away during the day.
Temperatures will vary between 3 and 9°C.


Alternating sunshine and cloud
Feels Like 2°
Gusts 15 km/h Calm
Clear periods and passing clouds, sometimes heavy.
Risk of showers.
Risk of rain 45 %


Light showers or intermittent light rain
Feels Like 1°
Gusts 15 km/h Calm
Sunny periods and passing clouds, sometimes heavy.
Gradually fading light showers.
Risk of rain 50 %
UV index 1 Low


Alternating sunshine and cloud
Feels Like 11°
Gusts 15 km/h Calm
Sunny periods and passing clouds, sometimes heavy.
Risk of showers.
Risk of rain 40 %
UV index 2 Low


Light showers or intermittent light rain
Feels Like 8°
Gusts 15 km/h Calm
Very cloudy sky with short clear periods.
A few light showers.
Risk of rain 70 %


Sky clouding over
Feels Like 6°
Gusts 15 km/h Calm
Unsettled weather turning fully overcast.
Risk of showers.
Risk of rain 35 %


Thursday 27 february

  • Day
    +3 min
  • Waning
    crescent Moon
  • Sunrise
  • Sunset
  • Leander

Near Castellina