weather Austria Vorderklippitz
  • 15 day forecast

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Time / Hour

Today's Forecast

In Short
expert la chaîne météo Expert’s summary

Tonight in Vorderklippitz, Skies clearing but continuing risk of storms. Possibility of showers
Temperatures will vary between 13 and 18°C.
The reliability of the situation is relatively good.

This evening

Clearing, with a tendency to storms
14° Feels Like 13°
Gust 10 km/h Calm
Clearing but with a continued risk of thunder.
Risk of showers.
Risk of rain 40 %


Heavy intermittent rain, or heavy showers
12° Feels Like 11°
Gust 10 km/h Calm
Overcast sky with a slight tendency to improvement.
Heavy showers clearing later.
Risk of rain 90 %


Sunday 2 june

  • Day
    +1 min
  • Waning
  • Sunrise
  • Sunset
  • Erasmus

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